All About Sadie

2005 October - 2019 September

Created by Nikita 2 years ago

Sadie was the product of me continuously pestering mum for us to get a dog and her finally caving when our neighbours gorgeous dog Roxy had a litter. 

Sadie was the only bitch of 7 and she knew it! Her brothers were boisterous and feisty, and Sadie was a quiet little thing who just wanted a cuddle. I fell in love with her the moment I picked her up and she suckled on my chin.

Sadie was quickly known as the jealous type, if anyone was hugging or showing any kind of affection to one another, she just had to be right in the middle of it!

She loved it when we moved to Wales. The beach was her favourite place in the whole wide world, and she would love to lay in the sun for hours. 

She was my greatest protector. If Sean would playfully punch me in the arm she’d be right there ready to defend me. No one could get to me with Sadie around. 

A lot of people say their dog is the best dog in the world, and I could nor would I want to take that away from anyone. But Sadie was truly the best. She touched the hearts of every single living being she met, from hamsters to human beings. 

I’m so sad for the people who never got a chance to meet her. A chance to know her incredible mind and huge heart. But she will forever live on in the stories that we tell, and in the memories that we will always share❤️
